To exit Comparison Mode you need either to use the hot keys Ctrl + Alt + D or the tab Plugins – Compare – Clear Results. Compare works with all versions of Notepad++. Differences in the contents will be highlighted in yellow, and the information … I recommend activating the “Synchronize Vertical Scrolling” option when comparing documents. Your email address will not be published. To get started, open two files (the files you want to compare) in Notepad++ and go to Plugins -> Compare -> Compare (Ctrl+Alt+C). Notepad++ doesn’t come with a built-in feature to compare two files, but you can use a free Notepad++ plugin called Compare to make it possible. Click on Plugins on the Menu bar, select Plugins Admin. You can compare files with various settings here. Open any two files (A, B) in Notepad ++ that you want to compare. Got two files with pretty similar content? Right click on one of the files and select move to Other view. compare two text files (typically two versions of a text) using the diff-match-patch library, with semantic cleanup. It is easy to add this plugin if it is not already installed in your copy of Notepad ++.

That’s it! Then, navigate to Plugins > Compare Menu > Compare. Then navigate to Plugins> Compare Menu> Compare.